INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUCTION SETS I recently brought the ARM edition of the book Computer Organization and Design by Patterson and Hennessy from library. Half way through the book, I thought of sharing the content of this book in a more elaborated manner by making a series of tutorials on Arm Instruction Set.So, here’s part one of the series. Content Basic definitions Types of Instruction sets Architecture(ISA) General purpose register architecture Stack architecture Accumulator architecture Basic Definitions Benchmarks: A program selected for use in comparing computer performance.SPEC(System Performance Evaluation Cooperative) is such an effort supported by a number of vendors…
Category: Software
Introduction to FRDM KL46Z and KDS
Outdated post alert: Sorry, this post is no longer being maintained. If you are loooking for some sample code for FRDM KL46Z visit: Year ago, i wrote a tutorial on getting started with freescale’s FRDM KL46Z development board. since then it was just a draft, today, i thought of updating and releasing it. So, here it is: But first of all, a very brief introduction of the development board and OpenSDA FRDM KL46Z Features MKL46Z256VLL4MCU – 48 MHz, 256 KB flash, 32 KB SRAM, segment LCD, USB OTG (FS) , 100 LQFP Capacitive touch slider, MMA8451Q accelerometer, MAG3110 magnetometer…